
Dr. 亨利·布朗·格雷厄姆四世

Dr. 格雷厄姆Dr. 格雷厄姆 came to CMU in 2007 after a long and interesting career in the arts and archaeology. 在普林斯顿大学接受培训,并获得了A.B. 在欧洲文明和他的M.F.A和Ph.D. in Art 历史 and Archaeology, he first taught at Washington University in St. 他的课程涵盖了古代到文艺复兴时期的艺术. 在那里,他组织了一次中世纪彩绘手稿展览. Then at New College of the University of South Florida he set up the Medieval Fair which was attended by 10,并一直持续到今天, took 31 students to 意大利 for a full semester in the European Workshop program, 并参与了水下考古, diving on and excavating an American Revolutionary warship in Penobscot Bay in Maine. Then as chairman of the Art Department at Trinity University in San Antonio he established a major’s program in Art 历史 and was appointed Adjunct 教授essor at the Institute of Nautical Archaeology based at Texas A&米大学. 以这种身份, he took part in diving excavations of ancient Roman and medieval shipwrecks in the Mediterranean.

在做了17年的大学教授之后. 格雷厄姆, 和他的妻子克劳迪娅以及他们的三个孩子, decided to make their home on a 33-foot sailboat which they equipped for world cruising. 他们从德克萨斯航行到佛罗里达群岛, 巴哈马群岛, 百慕大, 横跨大西洋到达英格兰, 法国的运河, 意大利, 希腊, 火鸡, 以色列, 西班牙, 马德拉, 加那利群岛, 再穿越大西洋回到加勒比海和墨西哥湾, 这一切都发生在一次持续了近六年的航行中, 其中三个是在地中海度过的.

The 格雷厄姆s then settled in northern California where they raised Tuscan olives and Dr. 格雷厄姆 taught at a middle school where he also ran the Gifted and Talented program, 制作每日校园电视广播, 并赞助了国家地理蜜蜂大赛. In 2005, the 格雷厄姆s moved back to a farm south of Fayette that has been in the family for six generations. 盖好房子并安顿下来之后. 格雷厄姆被任命到中央大学教书. He is also a member of the Fayette Round Table Club and on the executive boards of the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art at Central and of the Fayette Area Heritage Association. 除了, he originated and for 6 years coordinated the annual Fayette Festival of the Arts, 有全天音乐娱乐节目的艺术表演, 由费耶特地区遗产协会赞助. 电影节还在继续,现在已经是第12个年头了. In 2013, 他在2019年夏天被选为费耶特年度公民, 他带领一个25人的小组去意大利学习艺术, 法国和荷兰.

在中环大道. 格雷厄姆教授艺术史一、艺术史二和艺术鉴赏. 格雷厄姆夫妇于1958年结婚,育有3个子女和6个孙辈.

Dr. Kelty马克

Dr. Kelty马克As 教授essor and Director of the Little Theatre at Central Methodist University since 2004. Dr. Kelty has directed over 60 productions at CMU and many more at other venues. 自从加入CMU以来, he has integrated theatre activities into the American College Theatre Festival and served on the Festival Management Team numerous times, 曾在密苏里演讲和戏剧协会担任董事会成员, and presented workshops at both events as well as at Missouri Thespians annual festival. 在过去的八年里, he has led CMU students in presenting interactive vignettes on healthy relationships to CMU 101/102 classes, 附近的高中和青年团体, 以及会议演讲. 儿童剧院的演出现在是一年一度的活动, bringing hundreds of elementary school students to the Little Theatre each year. 自2020年秋季以来,所有小剧场作品都进行了直播. He previously served as the Artistic Director of InterAct Teen-to-Teen Theatre, which represented Missouri at the 1999 Teen Theatre Festival at the Bevard in Syracuse, N.Y.,将最佳表演奖带回家. He founded and served as the Artistic Director of the Loose Change Players at the University of Missouri, 他在哪里获得博士学位的.D. 在剧院. 他的西班牙语说得很流利, 作为一名教师在拉丁美洲生活和工作过, 棒球运动员, 和考古学家. 当时间允许时, he works as a voice actor and stage actor and has two film roles to his credit: Radar Operator in the James Bond movie Licence to Kill and Journalist #1 with Jane Fonda and Gregory Peck in Old Gringo.

教授. Lonna Wilke

Lonna Wilke洛娜·威尔克是CMU 89届的校友. 从CMU毕业后不久, she attended graduate school and received her MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with emphasis in theatre design and technology. She was the scenic/lighting designer and technical director at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, 毕业后在印第安纳州待了五年, 在那里她还教授舞台设计并指导学生写作, 导演和设计作品. She returned to Missouri in the late 90’s and designed and engineered lighting for a custom lighting company in downtown St 路易 before signing on with St 查尔斯 Community College in  St Peters Missouri as for the theatre manager, 设计师/TD,然后是戏剧教员,工作了近20年. 2019年秋天,洛娜抓住了回到CMU设计的机会, TD  and teach theatre tech and design classes to the next generation of theatre students.

In her career she has designed scenery and lighting for over 100 productions. Some of her most memorable designs were for Angels in America first at Wabash College where she met playwright Tony Kushner. Wabash was also the first college or university granted the rights to produce Angels in America. She also did a much different and memorable Angels in America design at St 查尔斯 Community College. 其他令人难忘的产品设计包括Scratch, 沃巴什学院的《最大博彩平台》和《皆大欢喜, 毕加索在Lapin Agile, 大河, The Diary of Anne Frank and the costume design for the Drowsy Chaperone at St 查尔斯 Community College, and the musicals Fun  首页 and A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder at Central Methodist University.

2007年,她开始尝试当导演,导演短剧. She then quickly jumped to directing full length dramas such as Sam Shepard’s Buried Child, 象人和田纳西·威廉姆斯的《欲望号街车》. Her most recent directing endeavor was the Haunted Lives one acts for CMU’s Little Theatre in Spring of 21.

In 2013, 时隔近30年后, she picked up the drumsticks and started playing drum set and hand percussion for the worship team at her church in South St 路易 City. She also learned to run, engineer and mix live sound for worship and for theatrical production. At one point she played in and ran sound for 3 different bands and or churches. 在搬到费耶特之前的三年里, she was the laity representative of her UMC church to the Missouri Annual Conference.

From 2003-2009 she played women’s full contact, semi professional football for the St 路易 Slam. She started at center for four of those years fulfilling a life-long dream of getting to play the sport she loved, 但是妇女是不允许玩的. 不在剧院的时候教学生搭建和画布景, 她正在家里放松,或者和她的3只救援犬一起出去散步. She also enjoys cooking, grilling, reading and writing short stories and novels.

罗娜有设计专业的学生, 在国际上从事戏剧和电影的教学和工作, 在美国各地和百老汇上演.